Broccoli Nutrition Facts

Broccoli nutrition facts

Broccoli nutrition facts are astounding.

Broccoli is a member of the cruciferous family of vegetables that includes cauliflower, cabbage, turnips, rutabaga, kale, bok choy, Brussels sprouts and mustard greens.

The nutritional value of broccoli combined with its low calories make this vegetable a must have on any healthy eating plan.

Broccoli Nutrition Facts

There is a high level of vitamin C in broccoli.

Broccoli is also packed with vitamin A, beta carotene, B vitamins especially B3 and B5, folic acid, phosphorus, potassium, iron, chromium, which is an easily absorbed form of calcium, zinc and lots of fiber.

It’s also loaded with carotenoids – antioxidants that are thought to help with weight loss.

Health Benefits of Broccoli

Broccoli and Cancer

Broccoli helps fight cancer, especially breast, colon and lung. It boosts the immune system.

Broccoli also contains antioxidants and a substance called sulforaphane, which research is showing to be a powerful cancer fighter and preventer.

Broccoli and Heart Disease

There is strong evidence that broccoli may reduce the risk of heart disease. It is an antioxidant and helps with stress.

More Broccoli Nutrition Facts

Broccoli also lowers the incidence of cataracts and is considered energy boosting. Its high calcium content builds bones.

Broccoli’s “sister vegetable”, cauliflower, is also a mild anti-allergic. It encourages the production of antibodies and is thought to help protect against allergy, asthma, migraine and depression.

Hints about how to cook Broccoli:

Avoid over cooking broccoli as about half of its beneficial substances may be destroyed in the process. Also, microwaving is thought to remove valuable nutrients from broccoli.

Light steaming is best. Steam the broccoli for just a couple of minutes, until it turns bright green. Stop cooking while still has a bit of firmness to it.

How to get more Broccoli in your diet:

You can see that the health benefits of broccoli are vast. It is certainly worth it to get this vegetable in our diets on a regular basis.

  • Add broccoli and cauliflower to soups and stews.
  • Eat broccoli or cauliflower raw or lightly steamed with dip or pour a bit of vinaigrette over it.
  • Chop lightly steamed broccoli and cauliflower and add to a pasta salad.

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With these powerful broccoli nutrition facts in hand, have a look at these great broccoli recipes to try.

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