Symptoms of Diabetes

symptoms of diabetes

What are the symptoms of diabetes?

With the development of diabetes quickly becoming a worldwide epidemic, understanding diabetic symptoms is increasingly important.

Too many of us ignore the way we are feeling until it becomes a real problem. We shrug our symptoms off, attributing them to being over stressed or over tired.

Knowing the early warning signs of diabetes can lead to quicker treatment, which in turn means less damage to your body. (See what happens to our bodies when we become diabetic.)

There are three general types of diabetes and the symptoms of each are quite similar.

Type 1 diabetes, often called juvenile diabetes, often occurs in children or young adults. Most people who suffer from diabetes type I develop it when they are under 40 years old.

Common symptoms of Type 1 diabetes include:

  • greatly increased thirstiness
  • dryness of the mouth, even after taking in lots of fluid
  • feeling an urgent need to urinate often
  • loss of weight, occurring without a decrease in food intake
  • exhaustion or the feeling of being weak or tired, even after resting
  • blurred vision

The symptoms of diabetes in type 1 diabetics often come on suddenly and are very severe and dramatic.

There is no cure for Type 1 diabetes and left untreated it can be fatal. If you notice any of these symptoms in yourself or your child, it is important to get checked immediately to see if the problem is Type one diabetes. A simple blood test can establish the diagnosis.

The greatest percentage of diabetics have Type two diabetes, often referred to as adult onset diabetes. Type 2 diabetes results from an impaired metabolism. People who are most prone to Type II diabetes are those who are overweight (especially those who are morbidly obese) and who lead an inactive lifestyle.

Type two diabetes is a progressive disease, which means it can lead to very severe complications. Diseases affecting the heart or the kidneys, blindness and amputation of limbs from a body that does not heal well can all occur as the result of diabetes that has progressed.

Obviously, with possible long terms effects such as these it is important to recognize the symptoms of diabetes.

Symptoms of diabetes Type 2 are similar to those for Type 1.

  • blurred vision
  • wounds, sores, or cuts that are taking a longer time to heal
  • itchiness of skin
  • frequent yeast infections
  • increased or onset of excess thirst
  • dry mouth
  • increased frequency of urination
  • mild to extreme leg pains
  • always feeling tired, even when rested
  • possible unexplained loss of weight or difficulty losing weight

Gestational diabetes occurs in women who are pregnant. It is a form of Type II diabetes, so the symptoms of gestational diabetes are the same as those for type 2. The difference with gestational diabetes is that it usually disappears after the woman gives birth.

Gestational diabetes should not be discounted because it can go away after the birth of the child. It can be very dangerous for a pregnant woman and can cause many complications for the mother during her pregnancy.

As well, women go get gestational diabetes are at a much higher risk for developing full blow diabetes, sometimes immediately after the birth, which leaves the mother with a condition she now has to cope with for life.

In addition to getting your blood checked immediately, if you have symptoms of diabetes look at incorporating some of these healthy diabetic recipes into your diet.

Please Note: Before adjusting your diet in any way, please consult your own medical practitioner. The opinions expressed on this site are not meant to constitute medical advice or take the place of your medical practitioner.

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