The biggest issue for most people wanting healthy weight loss is how to lose weight without feeling hungry.
Many people have experienced a constant feeling of hunger when on a diet and weight loss seems secondary to stopping that feeling of deprivation and starvation.
Consequently many of us “fall off” our weight control programs and go back to eating the way we used to.
It just doesn’t seem worth it.
But consuming fewer calories does not have to mean feeling hungry all the time.
There is help!
By making the right food choices, you can drop those excess pounds while still feeling full and satisfied.
Here are some tips on how to feel full after a meal and still enjoy natural weight loss:
Increase your Intake of Protein
In the British Journal of Nutrition a new study shows that when people start their day with a serving of healthy protein, they tend to feel more full and satisfied throughout the rest of the day. Not only did the amount and quality of protein make a difference in this study, the fact that it was consumed at breakfast seemed to be important in promoting satiety (the feeling of fullness).
This suggests that starting the day with eggs, lean bacon (for example turkey or chicken bacon), cottage cheese, peanut butter other high protein foods may be the key to avoiding those mid-morning high carb binges that can wreck havoc with even the best weight loss intentions. When it comes to feeling full, starting the day with a good breakfast and consuming protein in the morning appear to be key to avoid feeling hungry and deprived.
Eat More High Volume Foods
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High volume foods are those that have a high concentration of water and fiber, while still retaining nutritional value. Some good examples of high volume foods are fruits, vegetables, and whole grain foods such as oatmeal and wheat bran.
Because of their high fiber and water content, high volume foods promote a sensation of feeling full (that satiety word again) without adding additional calories. As a bonus, these foods are also high in nutritional content, which means you will get the vitamins, minerals, and heart-healthy antioxidants you need, even though you have cut back on your calorie intake.
Tip: Try eating a large plate of salad with a light dressing before your meal and you’ll feel satisfied with less food when the main entrée arrives.
Eat Smart Snacks
Snacking has earned a bad reputation, but that is because it has been associated with over indulging in high calorie, low nutritional value foods. The truth is that eating two healthy snacks throughout the day can help to keep your total calorie intake down by preventing bingeing and overeating at mealtime.
The key is to choose your snacks wisely and to limit how much of them you eat. With the availability of pre-portioned, one-hundred calorie snack packs that you can drop into your purse or take to work, it is easy to maintain portion control for healthy weight loss. As long as you limit yourself to one package you won’t over indulge by mindlessly eating more than you intended.
Here’s a Great How to Lose Weight Tip!
Make your own hundred calorie snack packs by weighing your snack and placing hundred calorie portions into resealable plastic bags. Select whole grain foods such as popcorn (non buttered of course) or low sugar, whole grain cereal for your snack packs rather. Nuts, such as almonds, walnuts and pecans also make healthy, satisfying snack choices. Don’t forget the traditional carrots and celery, maybe with a small container of low fat dip.
Chew Peppermint Flavored Gum
Here is another great “how to lose weight” tip –
A quick way to curb your tendency to eat more than you should at a meal is to pop a piece of peppermint gum into your mouth a short while before you eat. The cool, clean taste will reduce your desire to eat and leave you feeling full and satisfied.
Also, carry a pack of sugarless peppermint gum with you when you go to restaurants. Pop a piece of gum in your mouth after your meal to avoid ordering that high calorie dessert.
Natural weight loss doesn’t meant feeling hungry and deprived. You can feel full when trying to reduce calorie intake and it doesn’t have to be a challenge. With these simple suggestions about how to lose weight you will feel more satisfied with less calories and be on your way to your weight loss goal.
For more suggestions on how to lose weight and natural healthy weight loss, look here.
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Works like Magic Originally posted by Maia from Canada. Drink water 20 mins before every meal, and as much as you can during the day. Even though it will result in a lot of washroom trips, you’ll find yourself far less hungry than normal. Drinks other than water contribute a surprising amount of calories per day, and people commonly mistake thirst for hunger. Using this technique, I lost seven pounds in a month and a half (which is actually a little faster than I intended…), and didn’t have to go through all that ‘starving yourself’ crap. One note: Don’t forget to keep drinking milk. 🙂 It’s better to lose weight slowly but get enough dairy a day.
Weight Loss Challenge Originally posted by Darla from Chester, PA. I lost 25lbs in 12 Week Weigh Down Challenge. Joined fitness club exercised 5 times a week for 1 hour, consumed 2 protein shakes(Wild Berry) daily with fresh/frozen fruit, also drank water based on body weight for example I weighed 226lbs, so I drank 112 ounces of pure water daily. Enjoyed 1 complete meal (dinner) consuming fresh veggies, protein/lean meat and brown rice. To curb hunger eat high-protein bar with low-carbs. Also try raw or steamed veggies over fruit for quicker weight-loss because fruit has more sugar. ————————— 4Ever Healthy & Fit Lifestyle/Weight Loss Challenge by: 4Ever Healthy I never consume diet drinks or diet bars of any kind. Protein Shakes and protein bars are readily available foods (providing vitamins, minerals, soy and whey protein blends, without cholesterol or trans fats.) Just like cookies and milkshakes, it is just a matter of choice. I will use these products on a daily basis because they provide cellular nutrition that help maximize good health and increases metabolism through better nutrient absorption….when you have cellular nutrition through unique scientific formulations working for you, (one no longer depend on luck, the guess work is over) but on healthy food choices, targeted supplementation and exercise of course. Hope You can Maintain Your Weight: Diet drinks/bars are great, but should one rely on them? I always thought the best way to keep weight off was to have a plan that was based on readily available food. Are these things something that you will eat/use for a lifetime? Good luck and best wishes.
Water For Weight Reduction Originally posted to the site by subhadra devi from coimbatore Drink 2 litres of boiled water daily to reduce weight. From Meetu: I have tried dis and it has workd miracles. I lost 200 g of weight in gym in a month and 1 kg by drinking boiled water 3 liters per day.
The Right Time To Eat Originally posted by Ryan from Canada. I didn’t start losing wieght until I began having my largest meal of the day shortly after I first wake up, and made sure to eat a meal with carbs and protien (eggs and toast) within 30 minutes of getting back from the gym, going for a run, or just doing basic pushups (60-100 pushups) and planking (hold for at least 1 minute, 3 times).
How do you avoid constantly feeling hungry? From Justina well you can always try these ideas: 1. try occupying your hands; playing an instrument, painting, etc 2. drink a glass of water 3. chew a piece of gum, their less in calories
Here’s a new idea from Sharon (Canada), left on the older version of the site: if you feel like snacking, brush your teeth. it takes the craving away and keeps your teeth clean!
Feeling Hungry After You Just Ate?? A comment contributed by Kate from Canada: When i was younger i would constantly still be feeling hungry after i had eaten a big mack! This didn’t make sense to me, but i eventually figured out a way to stop feeling hungry after just eating. My trick was to guzzle down a bottle of water if i was still feeling hungry. Its a pretty good trick in my opinion because your not consuming any more calories and hey, water is just good for you! and it really does stop the hungry sensation, if you drink it fast enough, but not too fast.
This tips have been transferred from the previous version of the site: tres bein mange!! by ANNU (Mumbai) Dinner is an important meal!! Avoid any carbohydrate like bread, rice. Have an early dinner and do have some fibrous food. Of the total food that we have during the day at least 60% should be fruits and vegetables so that the waste ingested out is more than that which gets absorbed in the body leaving you looking bonne!!